WELLNESS // tips for a summer at home

SUMMER TIME!! It’s the best time, right? I know for us, it’s often a time of unplugging as much as possible and LOTS of rest. At the same time though, we get stir crazy (we as in the grown-ups AND the kids). Here are some tips to plan ahead and make it through those “I’m bored” days.


01 // CREATE A ROUTINE FOR YOU AND YOUR KIDDOS (and keep it separate)

Creating a routine is a KEY way to keep some consistency into your day. As parents, especially parents that are home with kiddos a lot during the summer, consistency is vital. Routines are super flexible but important when it comes to little ones and their days.

Great tips for parents: Wake up before your kiddos and do a little house work, have your coffee in the quiet, meditate. It’s a great start to the day and moment to yourself.

For your kiddos, establish one or two things your kiddos can do to “start the day.” This may be different for different ages. When my own little ones were toddlers, they’d go around the house and turn on all the lamps to “wake up the house.” Now, they make their beds, feed the dog, and have breakfast. These routines set the day up on a good foot.



Working ahead here is sometimes necessary, but having some creativity planned will keep the excitement in the air for the little ones. This can be something as big as a trip to the zoo or park or a small art project. At the beginning of the week, I like to have an idea of how the remainder of the week or upcoming weekend will go. I prep ahead of time. If we’re going to bake cookies, I made sure I have the ingredients prior. If we’re going to do an art project, I make for I have the supplies. If we’re going to plan outings, I do chores I can around the house during the week rather than on the weekend.



For many, the summer is the ONLY time they can travel. For other, summer is the ONLY time to relax. Whatever the theme is, do it with intention. Maybe the summer time is a big project time to redo the flower beds. Get those kiddos on board with your own goals!

Tip: Summer gardens are a GREAT project for kids of all ages. It’s something they can learn patience and nurturing values from and can be added to their daily routines of caring for.


04 // WORK IN THE CELEBRATIONS FIRST …and then fill in the blanks.

Go ahead and plan that 4th of July BBQ weekend. Mark your calendars for the birthday celebrations. Fill in the remaining weekends with rest, visits with friends, and fun activities. Also, if you’re lucky enough to have friends around you that are game for play days, work out a schedule that you can rotate kid-watching for the day so the other can get in some kid-free errands or a nap! Cheers to a nap!



We’re parents too. We understand the value and want for screen time. We do it too as we scroll through Instagram and Pinterest. Balance is the key here. Have a list of tasks for your little ones and use those tasks as “screen time currency” to earn screen time. …and you know what, do this for yourself too!

Clean Room = 30 minutes of screen time
Help Put Away Laundry = 15 minutes of screen time

A note for yourself: Don’t look at social media until you’ve had one cup of coffee.

Balance = Key



Tell us more about how you create flow and rhythm to your summer months?

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WELLNESS // tips for a tidy house