come play at



Our monthly memberships and play passes are dedicated to community events we host and support throughout the year as well as replacing items through the play area. We appreciate you helping us provide an amazing atmosphere for our kiddos and grown-ups who love ‘em.

MONTHLY MEMBERSHIPS | starting at $6.00/month

PLAY PASSES FOR THE DAY | $3.00 per kiddo


ready to sign up for a membership

  • With a play membership, you get unlimited access to our private play area.

  • Our membership fees help us contribute to hosting community events throughout the season, like our Halloween Hop, Summer Book Mobile, and more! In addition to community events, these proceeds help us keep our play area filled with our favorite toys. We appreciate you helping us provide an amazing atmosphere for our kiddos and grown-ups who love ‘em.

  • If you’re just visiting for the day, our day passes are $3.00 per kiddo. So if you visit us just twice a month, a membership will pay for itself. Cheers to that!

Sign up for our "Hausse Play" Membership:
from $6.00 every month
Kiddo Count::

Not quite ready for a membership yet? No worries! Stop by the shop and come play for the day to check us out. We’re a good time!


“We love Java Mama! From the beautiful atmosphere, to the welcoming staff, yummy food and fast, friendly service. The best part is my little ones get to play in the play area and I get to have my coffee in peace! We love it so much we got a membership!”

Kristin Caminta

“Motherhood takes a village and for me, Java Mama is a part of that village. Mama gets a refuel and the kids get to let our some energy, everyone wins!”

Kirsten Beary


“My favorite part of Java Mama is the community my son and I have found! We’ve made a handful of new friends that we’ve celebrated birthdays with, first steps, or even finally going down the slide for the first time! We feel so at home every time we walk through the door!”

Katelyn Morris